Pomodoro Technique for Time Management

Hina Fatima
3 min readJan 2, 2021

Have you ever wondered why some people have enough time to do everything, whereas others are always in a rush and never seem to finish anything? It is not that some people have less to do instead they manage their time effectively or you can say they have better time management skills.

“Time management is the ability to use your time productively and efficiently”. You can say it the art of doing everything that you need and without feeling stressed about it. Productivity is part of time management that you efficiently manage to do your important things consistently. Productivity is not doing more things but it is to manage important things done on time and manage to have enough time for those.

There are many time management techniques and tips. I will share Pomodoro technique of time management. What is that? Pomodoro was first invented by Francesco Cirillo in early 1980’s. Pomodoro is tomato in Italia. It is a timer you use in this process that looks like a tomato and timer is all in this technique.

What is Pomodoro Technique?

The technique uses a timer to break down task into intervals traditionally of 25 minutes. First you have to set a timer of 25 minutes, turn off all other interruptions and then focus on the task. When the alarm tings after 25 minutes mark a tick or star on piece of paper and now you can take a 3 to 5 minute break. Reward yourself with a little piece of chocolate or whatever you like. Healthy option is take a sun dip or stand up and walk few steps. Repeat the same for 3 more times and after you have completed 4 ticks or stars on paper now you can have 15 to 20 minutes of break.

I will share my experiment with this technique. I choose the task to focus on study for this. In first time slot I faced no distraction and completed 25 minutes with good focus. I rewarded myself with a piece of chocolate. I completed other 3 rounds. I faced distraction by external things like a spider was passing by and catch my attention and a mail notification popped up on laptop screen. I note down those distraction and get back to work immediately. I felt clear difference in my work speed and productivity during this total time and I accomplished my task successfully. I apply this technique as it set a time limit, make me narrow my attention and focus more. This is effective for time management.



Hina Fatima

I am a BS psychology graduate currently enrolled in Amal Academy's career prep fellowship. What i love most are books, chocolates, love Nature and its beauty